Running out of booze.
Patients who are reasonable, normal people while you're in the room, but turn into manipulative weirdos the minute you leave. The trouble with calling people like that on their behavior is that it's never satisfying.
Staying late in class because of anecdotes.
People who put on lots of light-colored eyeshadow or powder and either don't wear mascara or don't knock the powder off their eyelashes after they're done applying. Your mascara habits are your business, doll: I prefer mine as long as the list of people I hate and as black as my heart, but you do you. Just make sure you don't look like you've got eyelash dandruff from hell, okay?
Mushy broccoli. (This is one thing our cafeteria actually does well. I eat a ton of broccoli.)
Men--and they are always men--who ascribe political motives to the fact that I wear my hair in a buzzcut. Dude, if I were looking to be less attractive to men (and women, and mutant kangaroos), I would be wearing some other style, because this buzz brings all the boys to my yard. I wear it like this because it's easy, I can do it myself, and it looks sharp.
Tripping over the cat, when it's the cat's fault, and hearing that awful noise he makes. I have one who's especially bad about running under my feet.
Nail polish that looks hot in the bottle but ends up being some wimpy color on your nails.
Glitter everywhere.
Not getting my eyebrows on even.
Undercooked carrots.
Stockings, socks, or pantyhose that shift weirdly and cut off circulation at odd times.
Missing phone calls.
No fucking toilet paper why can't you assholes put a new roll in what is wrong with you WERE YOU RAISED BY WOLVES??
Lists of what annoys a person.